Exploring exporting seminar to be April 19 at LEDC
Published 10:30 am Tuesday, April 10, 2012
SOUTH POINT — Have you ever considered selling your products and services internationally?
Today it’s easier than ever for a company, regardless of size, to sell goods and services across the globe.
Join the Southern Ohio International Trade Assistance Center and Lawrence Economic Development Corp. for the “Exploring Exporting Breakfast Seminar Series” coming this spring.
This seminar will focus on the “how-to” of exporting goods and services internationally. The event will also feature Ellison Hong from the US-China Economic Development and Trade Council to discuss trade initiatives between the U.S. and China. Information and resources available for export assistance will also be discussed as well as showcasing the new IMAGE Grant (Ohio International Market Access Grant for Exporters).
The LEDC will also be available to discuss the newly activated Foreign Trade Zone #270 located at The Point industrial park as well partnership incentives for companies looking into importing and/or exporting from Southern Ohio.
This seminar will be held on Thursday, April 19 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the LEDC headquarters located at 216 Collins Avenue, South Point OH.
This Breakfast Seminar Series has been developed by the International Trade Assistance Center (ITAC) at the OSU South Centers.
The ITAC is a new addition to the Business Development Network and available to conduct market research and logistics, review export financing and education, and promote global business development.
Other upcoming topics for the Breakfast Seminar Series will include legal issues regarding exporting and finding a potential market.
To reserve a seat for the seminar, contact Jennifer Warfe at 740-289-1605 Ext. 301 or email warfe.2@osu.edu.
For more information about International Trade, contact Kelly O’Bryant at obryant.6@osu.edu or 740-289-2071 ext 235 or Viviane Khounlavong-Vallance at 740-377-4550/ Viviane@ledcorp.org.