On Deck
Published 1:51 am Tuesday, August 7, 2012
OVC football preview
scheduled for Saturday
The annual Ohio Valley Conference football preview will be held Saturday at Coal Grove High School.
Fairland will play River Valley at 6 p.m. followed by Rock Hill and Chesapeake with the final game between South Point and Coal Grove.
Each game will consist of two quarters. Admission is $5.
‘Meet The Redmen’
scheduled Aug. 16
The annual “Meet the Redmen” will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 16, at the Rock Hill High School stadium.
The board office will sponsor a tailgate party for the community from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. on the parking lot between the high school and the board of education office
An open house at all schools will be from 6:30 to 8:30.
Ironton season football
tickets now on sale
The Ironton Fighting Tigers’ season football tickets are now on sale.
Tickets for four home games are $30. Checks should be made payable to the I.H.S. Athletic Department.
Fans should include at self-addressed envelope with two stamps and mail orders to:
Ironton High School Athletic Dept.
1701 South 7th Street
Ironton, OH 45638
If an order includes a large number of tickets, please apply extra postage.
Tickets will be mailed no later than Aug. 24. If fans do not receive their tickets by Aug. 28, contact the athletic department at (740) 532-5235 or Janet Priode at 532-6705.
Ironton features a challenging home schedule that includes: Sept. 7 Gallipolis; Sept. 14 Ashland, Ky.; Oct. 5 Columbus Bishop Watterson; Oct. 12 Columbus Bishop Hartley. All games at 7:30 p.m.
The Jamboree game is at 7:30 p.m. on Firday, Aug. 17, at Coal Grove.
IRD youth flag football
tryouts, final signups
The Ironton Recreation Department flag football tryouts will be held at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 14, at the Ironton Little League fields.
Final registration to play in the league will be conducted at this time as well.
Rock Hill season football
tickets to go on sale
The Rock Hill Redmen season football tickets will go on sale from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 8.
Tickets are $25 for four home games. This does not include the Jamboree game against Symmes Valley at 7:30 p.m. on Aug. 17. Admission to the Jamboree game is $5. Season tickets and passes are not included in the Jamboree game.
Also, the mandatory OHSAA film for athletes and at least one parent is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 7, at Rock Hill High School for high school and middle school fall sports.
Rock Hill’s home schedule includes: Aug. 31 Lucasville Valley; Sept. 7 Oak Hill; Oct. 19 Fairland; Oct. 26 Chesapeake.
Football officials’ class
deadline approaching
The Ironton Association of High School Football Officials will conduct a class for anyone interested in becoming licensed football official.
The class will begin Wednesday, Aug. 8. Interested persons must contact Jimmy Mahlmeister via email by Aug. 7. His email address is jimmy_mahl@yahoo.com
2nd Annual Flyer 5K Run
scheduled for Aug. 25
The second annual Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital and Ironton Catholic Schools’ Flyer 5K race will be held Saturday, Aug. 25, at St. Joseph High School.
Fee is $15 before Aug. 19 and $20 after and on race day. Registration on race day is from 7-7:45 a.m. Race begins at 8.
There are 15 age divisions for males and females. Top three finishers in each division and overall will be given awards. Moisture wicking T-shirts guaranteed to first 300 runners.
For more information, contact Jenny Rowe at (740) 307-2534 or rowe5@mac.com