Ladies 9-Hole League names winners; Hopkins records his third career eagle

Published 1:44 am Monday, August 26, 2013

Staff Report


PINE GROVE — The Ironton Ladies Nine Hole Golf Association of the Ironton Country Club met at its usual day and time and came away with some usual winners.

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Wanda Spears served as the hostess and served refreshments at the weekly meeting. She then paired the ladies for the day’s events and announced the winners during lunch.

Winners were Johnna Jones, Pat Lambert and Rose Auble.

Next week’s hostess will be Pat Riggs.

The club meets at 9 a.m. on Tuesdays in the clubhouse for a brief business meeting followed by golf. Anyone interested in joining the group is welcomed.

Hopkins gets eagle

PINE GROVE — Phil “Hoppy” Hopkins may not be a Boston College fan, but he was certainly a “Screamin’ Eagle.”

On Saturday, Aug. 17, the Coal Grove resident was playing golf with some friends at the Ironton Country Club.

Hopkins hit a perfect drive down the fairway just left of center on the No. 14 hole. He then feathered a 5-iron into the back left hole location. After the shot disappeared into the hole, “Hoppy” screamed, “Put that in your chicken coop, Tordoise.”

It was Hopkins’ third eagle. He recorded the other two at the old Ponderosa years ago.

The feat was witnessed by John Gagai, Roger Collins, Dan Morgan and Jim Tordiff.