Democrats to blame for ‘Obamacare’
Published 12:34 am Sunday, November 3, 2013
Some people think that I don’t like Democrats.
This just isn’t true.
There are Republicans that I could never vote for, and when G.W. Bush made mistakes I said so. The truth is that I don’t like people (not hate) that are too blind to see where we as a nation are now headed by this President and his cronies who are too blind to the truth.
First, he has done nothing but lie to the American people, and it seems that the Democrats are willing to sacrifice our nation to believe him. Where are the truths in Obamacare?
Many people are not able to keep their insurance policies, the prices have gone up, and are going up even for 27-year-olds. Why does a 50-year-old have to have coverage for maternity? The answer is somebody has to pay the price for his great taxes.
The policy that your company must have this in it, along with many other things that you don’t need. These are the Democrats that are blinded by their party, and when America goes bust you can look at your party as the party that wanted to have this.
Remember his words from 2008 even to this year, “If you like your policy you can keep it. Period.”
This is an outright lie that he has said along with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed and the other Democrats that voted for Obamacare. On the roll out the second day before it was over, there are documents that show just 246 people have signed up and now the website is down again. To make it profitable for the federal government 39,000 people a day have to sign up by March 1, 2014.
What will happen when on Jan. 1, 2014, you have no insurance?
You can blame the Democrats, not the Republicans, as they had no say, nor vote, in Obamacare. The 246 was told not by Fox News, but his own news source CBS.
Again if you will look at the debt that this president and his Congress has caused (nearly 7 trillion) in just five years, and you can truly say yes we as a nation are better off now than we were before he took office, show me where.
By counting part-time workers he says that unemployment is better now than when he took office.
But tell me, how you can raise a family on part-time work?
Homer Campbell