Water plan is right move
Published 10:40 am Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Always be prepared.
It’s the motto of the Boy Scouts of America and it’s a philosophy the Ironton city officials are taking to heart in light of the recent water crisis in West Virginia.
When the water of more than 300,000 West Virginians was tainted with chemicals, there was no other option than to bring in loads of bottled water from all over the region.
If a similar situation were to happen in Ironton, officials want to make sure there is a contingency plan in place, which includes activating an emergency connection to Hecla Water Association and Coal Grove Water Department and bottled water distribution from Pepsi and Tyler Mountain.
Another threat to the area, especially this winter, is the widespread issues of water pipes freezing and subsequently breaking.
City officials are right on the money to re-evaluate their plans for potential water disasters.
Water is one of the most vital resources we have and is essential in everyday life.
When it comes to protecting the community’s water supply, there is no such thing as being too prepared or too cautious.