Ironton needs volunteers
Published 11:06 am Tuesday, April 29, 2014
We all have the same question: What does Ironton need?
Here’s one vital answer: Volunteers.
Ironically, our greatest resource — talented people who are willing to work off the clock for their city- continues to be a detriment to our growth.
In more simple terms: Few people in our city are passionate enough to make a difference.
I’m not saying this to be negative. I’m just stating facts. We simply do not have enough people willing to sacrifice a little free time for the betterment of our town.
There are 11,000 people in this tiny, once great city. A small percentage of this 11,000 believes Ironton can be restored to prominence. But these few dreamers cannot carry the load themselves. Civic groups such as Ironton In Bloom and Ironton aLive put passionate effort into improving our city. The Friends of Ironton lead by example with vision and dedication, despite the fact the group only has about eight active members.
STAR Community Justice Center is routinely providing manpower to assist in the Ro-Na renovation and clean-up of our Center Street boat landing. Ralph Kline, Roger Cantrell, Rick Strunk and others at the CAO work tirelessly to improve our city.
Most of us do not see the behind-the-scenes work necessary for our community to succeed. And, frankly, a lot of us simply don’t care.
As a community, our efforts are lacking. To be successful, we need more helpers and fewer naysayers. We need doers, not talkers.
Simply put, Ironton needs people who are willing to volunteer some free time. We are woefully lacking in this area. Have weekends off? Come help us clean up the boat landing or help restore the Ro-Na.
This work is going to benefit us all in the future. The more people are willing to help, the faster the projects are completed. The more interest we show, the more willing investors will be to absorb our energy and buy into our collective mindset.
Why not give up a few hours on a Saturday and volunteer to pitch in?
The only way we will succeed as a community is if we, as individuals, are willing to improve where we live. We cannot expect a handful of people to carry the load. Many more volunteers are needed.
If you are willing to help, email me at the address below. I no longer live in Ironton, but I want to see it thrive. And I fully believe it can thrive if we all get up and start helping.
Apathy leads to failure. Apathy in our community is strong. But it doesn’t have to define us. Mostly, it is created by indifference. We can change that.
Get involved. Be proud of your town.
Be proud of yourself.
Help your city.
Ironton Clean-Up Day is Saturday, May 3. Volunteers will meet at the Farmer’s Market area (behind the Ro-Na) on Second Street at 9 a.m.
Come join us.
Billy Bruce is a freelance writer who lives in Pedro. He can be contacted at