Daytime shelter needed
Published 1:08 pm Wednesday, June 18, 2014
It would be difficult for most of us to imagine what it would be like to be homeless.
The daily struggle to find food, water and shelter is a task no one should have to take on, but there are many right here in Lawrence County who do.
The shelter at the Ironton City Welfare Mission is an option for overnight stays, but what about during the daytime?
Some seek shelter in churches or fast food restaurants around town. Even the library is a haven from the elements.
That’s why one local pastor is hoping to spearhead a movement to come up with a solution.
Sallie Schisler, pastor of Christ Episcopal Church in Ironton, has organized a meeting at 4:30 p.m. on June 25 at the Ironton branch of Briggs Lawrence County Public Library.
The goal of the meeting is to draw people from the community, churches and other organizations together to discuss the possibility of developing a drop-in center for those who have nowhere else to go during the day.
With the right community support, this idea could blossom into a resource that could potentially help Lawrence County’s homeless get off the streets and in a better position to help themselves.