Habitat brings benefits
Published 10:24 am Wednesday, August 13, 2014
They say a house doesn’t make a home.
But tell that to someone who doesn’t have a proper place to sleep at night, or a place to sit down for a home cooked meal.
On Monday, the Huntington, W.Va., area Habitat for Humanity changed the life of one woman and her son when the ribbon was cut on the front door of her new home.
This is the first Habitat home the agency has built in Lawrence County, although other Habitat agencies in the Tri-State have previously built houses in the county.
Habitat for Humanity is certainly a worthwhile cause, but as is the case for most nonprofit organizations, volunteers are its backbone.
If you have never volunteered to work on a Habitat home, the experience can be very rewarding. Whether you’re hammering nails into boards, cleaning up debris or painting, every ounce of labor benefits a family who needs a roof over their heads.
Not only that, these homes help people break the cycle of poverty and build long-term financial security.
To find out how to become a volunteer to build a Habitat home, visit the organization’s website at www.hahabitat.org.
If unable to do physical labor, the organization is always in need of sponsorships, donations and people to serve on various committees.
We expect to see good things from Habitat for Humanity in Lawrence County and we hope the community will join them in their efforts.