Ladies Nine Hole League enjoys successful season

Published 1:13 am Monday, October 6, 2014

Staff Report


PINE GROVE — September’s weather was good and so was the golfing.

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The Ladies Nine Hole League of the Ironton Country Club enjoyed the outstanding September weather with successful regular Tuesday events.

The first week had Cecilia Woods serving as hostess and she handled the duties of refreshments for the morning business meeting, luncheon plans and scheduling the day’s golfing events.

Woods announced the winners at lunch: Pat Riggs, Joyce Lewis, Rose Auble and Woods.

The next week had Pat Lambert serving the hostess duties and she paired the ladies for the day’s events that produced Nancy Livingston as well as herself as the winners.

Joyce Lewis was the following week’s hostess as she served the morning food items and then selected the day’s events.

Winners for the day included Wanda Spears with two events and Lewis with one.

Sharon Fox took her turn as the weekly hostess the following Tuesday for the season’s final weekly event and provided the morning treats.

Fox failed to become the fourth straight hostess to also win an event due to the fact Riggs and Lewis won two events each.

Riggs announced the recent winners of the annual 9-Hole Classic Tournament.

First flight was Pat Lambert, second flight Betty Fraley, third Flight Joyce Lewis and fourth flight was Cecilia Woods.

The season handicap Tournament winner was Fraley with Lewis the runner-up.

In the Ringer Tournament, Jane Mains was the winner and Lewis again grabbing runner-up honors.

The Most Improve Golfer award went to Cecilia Woods who also won the Birdie Tree. The Par Tree as well as Eagle winner was Jane Mains.

Riggs then presented officers’ gifts for the season to Pat Lambert as chairman, Nancy Livingston as vice chairman, Joyce Lewis as secretary and publicity, Johnna Jones as treasurer, Betty Fraley as historian and telephone committee gifts went to Cecilia Woods and Joyce Fields.

The weekly event winners for the entire season were awarded at the end of the year to Jane Mains, Sharon Fox (two), Pat Riggs (three), Nancy Livingston (two), Pat Lambert (two), Wanda Spears, Becky Dillow, Joyce Lewis (two) and Rose Auble.

This Tuesday will be the end of the year Guest Day beginning at 9:30 a.m. with golfing at 10. Rose Auble will serve as the hostess.

The yearly Christmas party will be held Tuesday, Dec. 9, at 11 a.m. with members bring gifts to exchange.

A special thanks was extended to Riggs for her dedicated work with the many tournaments and her seamstress talents.