Feeding birds is a joy

Published 10:15 am Thursday, December 11, 2014

Approximately 54 million people in the U.S. feed wild birds, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Feeding the birds is now the second-most popular “passive” hobby in our country.

Certainly, the pleasure of seeing wild birds at close quarters is more than enough reason to put out bird feeders. We like birds and enjoy having them around.

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We like to hear their songs through our open windows on a spring or summer day, and their vibrant colors brighten up a winter day when much of our landscape looks so somber. It is interesting and educational to see wild birds interact as they feed and bathe in your yard.

It’s also beneficial for them. In many parts of the country, birds have lost their natural habitat and their traditional sources of food have become increasingly scarce. In addition, they frequently have to compete for whatever food there might be with birds such as house sparrows and starlings which are not native to North America.

Your feeders can make a big difference and may help them survive.

We have been feeding wild birds for many years. Every winter season we purchase several hundred pounds of bird feed. Birds have problems finding food in the winter months.

We have suet feeders for woodpeckers and a few other birds like suet. Every morning we fill several feeders with bird seed and also scatter some on the ground, red birds and some others like to eat from the ground.

This winter we are having problems feeding the birds due to at least four neighborhood cats. Their owners must not be able to feed and care for them; the cats want to catch the birds to eat and also will eat seed. They are in our yard both day and night.


Ken Massie
