What are top stories of old year?
Published 12:00 am Sunday, December 28, 2014
There are many things that happen in our lives in one year, but what are the top stories of 2014?
The Ebola outbreak that started in African countries, subsequently spread to the United States and caused panic and fear throughout the country?
The events and ensuing civil unrest in Ferguson, Missouri and New York City?
The rise of the Islamic State who killed natives of the region along with international journalists, and corresponding response by the United States and other countries?
The congressional shake-up in the November elections that saw Republicans win races that will ultimately shift the power in both the House of Representatives and Senate?
And those are just of few of the top news stories from around the country in 2014.
But what about here in Lawrence County? What events do you think had the most impact on your community?
Was it the opening of the long-awaited hotel and restaurant in the Ninth Street project?
The premiere of the CBS show “Extant” in downtown Ironton that was written by Ironton native Mickey Fisher?
The decision by county officials to move the Lawrence County Jail to the former Ohio River Valley Juvenile Correctional facility in Franklin Furnace?
The Tribune will publish its top 10 stories of the year on Jan. 1. Until then, we’d like to know what your top news stories of 2014 were.
To weigh in, share your views on our Facebook page or on Twitter @irontontribune.
You can also email your thoughts to editorial@irontontribune.com.