KDMC offers clinical weight loss program
Published 12:00 am Sunday, January 11, 2015
Ashland, Ky. — King’s Daughters Center for Healthy Living is offering a new clinical weight loss program called Choose to Lose just in time for the new year.
The next 10-week session will begin Tuesday, Feb. 3, and participants may select either the 12-1 p.m. or 5-6 p.m. time slots. Time selected will remain that participant’s session time each Tuesday throughout the program. Sessions will take place at King’s Daughters Outpatient Services Center located at 480 23rd St., Ashland.
The goal of the program is to help participants achieve and maintain a healthy weight through lifestyle changes. The comprehensive program will be led by health coaches on behavior modification, nutrition and exercise. After the 10-week course is completed, participants will be supported through six monthly sessions to help in weight loss maintenance.
Cost for the program is $30 a month for eight months. Participants can receive a reduced fee of $199 if paid in one installment.
Topics included in the Choose to Lose program:
• Identifying and reducing fat and calories
• Healthy eating guidelines and meal planning
• Understanding emotional eating behaviors
• Importance of exercise in weight loss
• How to exercise for the most benefit
• Identifying and changing individual lifestyle habits to promote success
• Healthy eating out
• Expanding and adding variety to your exercise program
• Identifying and managing stress
• Staying motivated
For more information, or to register for the program, please contact Kim Bayes, Center for Healthy Living, at 606-408-1560.