On Deck
Published 1:33 am Monday, February 16, 2015
Coal Grove LL sets
registration period
The Coal Grove Little League will conduct registration for the upcoming 2015 baseball/softball season for boys and girls ages 4 through 18 including all interested coaches, umpires and volunteers from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays, Feb. 21 and 28, at the high school.
Ironton LL extends
registration period
Ironton Little Leage has added additional registration dates for the upcoming 2015 baseball/softball season for boys and girls ages 4 through 18 including all interested coaches, umpires and volunteers.
Registration will be held at the Ironton City Center from 5-to-7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 19, and Tuesday, Feb. 24.
Tryouts will be held Monday, March 2, and Tuesday, March 3, at the Ironton Middle School.
Monday: 5:00 — Minor League machine pitch; 6:15 — ages 9-10 baseball; 7:30 — ages 11-12 baseball;
Tuesday: 5:00 — softball Minor League machine pitch; 6:15 — ages 9-10 softball: 7:30 — ages 11-12 softball.
Registrants must show proof of age (birth certificate) and show three separate proof of residence or attend school within the boundaries of the league.
For additional information, contact a league board member.
Lady Vikings plan
rummage sale
The Symmes Valley Lady Vikings’ softball team will conduct their 8th annual rummage sale from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, March 7, in the high school gym. Proceeds benefit the softball team.
Persons wishing to make donations for the rummage sale may drop off items at the school from 3-to-8 p.m. on Friday, March 6, or contact coach Jeff “Odie” Estep at (740) 643-2120 or the school at 643-2371 if items need to be picked up.
Men’s spring league
signups underway
The First Baptist Church of Ironton men’s spring basketball league team or individual registrations are underway with a Feb. 16 deadline.
The league begins March 1 and will offer one afternoon game a week indoors, a 10-game season, team T-shirts, a championship tournament of one-to-four games.
The league is open to ages 15 and up.
For more information or to register, contact Eric Barnes at (740) 532-1240 or (740) 532-2305.
5-on-5 tourney set
for Memorial Day
Only 1st Impressions will conduct the “Kingz of the Kourtz” 5-on-5 men’s basketball tournament May 23-24 on the outdoor courts of 9th and Madison Streets.
Entry fee is $160 for 8-player maximum roster for 16 teams. Players must be 18 or older. Entry deadline is April 23.
First place is $16,000 and a trophy.
Interested teams should contact Jared, Tinia or Tony for registration details at (740) 302-3330 or at KingzoftheKourtz@gmail.com or on facebook.