Keeping county cleaner
Published 10:25 am Tuesday, March 31, 2015
The adage says, “Actions speak louder than words,” and that is the case for the Lawrence-Scioto Solid Waste Management District.
Each year, the organization works tirelessly with the help of many others in an effort to clean up Lawrence County. And this year is no different.
With many cleanup events scheduled throughout the spring, the LSSWMD will be out in force to do its part.
It is encouraging that these events have grown in participation from other organizations and residents.
This unity will ultimately allow the goal to be reached, and that is to clean up the county and region.
The events kick off with the annual Drug Take Back at the Ironton Hills Plaza on April 25, followed a few weeks later by the Countywide Clean Up on May 2. This cleanup coincides with the annual nationwide cleanup. The final event scheduled by the Solid Waste District is the Document Shred/E-Waste Day on May 16.
While these events are planned by the LSSWMD, it takes countless residents and organizations to ensure these events are successful.
We applaud all those who work to make our county and region a cleaner place to live, but we also encourage any who can to take a few hours to volunteer for one of these events.
It will take a united Lawrence County to make the most of these occasions.