Back off on Hillary
Published 9:54 am Thursday, April 23, 2015
We’re just a week into her long slow victory trot to the Democrats’ 2016 presidential nomination and already I’m sick of the media coverage of Hillary Clinton.
You can’t escape her. She’s everywhere.
And I’m not talking about the usual hugs and kisses she’s been getting from her idolaters and cheerleaders in the liberal mainstream news media.
I’m talking about the conservative media outlets — Fox News and the radio talk shows.
It’s been all-Hillary-all-the-time for 10 days. I’m the biggest anti-Hillary guy I know, but I’m tired of listening to Fox and talk radio beat up on her so much.
I know they have to keep their conservative choirs happy with nonstop Hillary bash-fests. But they’re way overdoing it.
Apparently they have nothing else to talk about besides Hillary.
I did an interview Wednesday morning with a conservative talk show and the first question I got was about her.
I said if conservative outlets would stop talking about Hillary, almost no one would mention her name.
I’m not kidding. I’m going to ask my friend Brent Bozell III of the Media Research Center to compare how many times the name Hillary is heard on liberal outlets versus conservative outlets. I guarantee she’s getting more airtime from conservatives.
I understand talk radio is all about getting higher ratings.
I also realize there are a few million people out there who are frustrated by eight years of Obama and who enjoy nothing better than hearing Hillary being bashed 24/7 by conservatives.
But beating up on Hillary so heavily now is a waste of valuable conservative airtime and it might backfire in the election next year.
Everyone can see already that she’ll be a certain loser in 2016. Even her fellow Democrats are nervous. She’s washed up. She’s all failure and scandal and deceitfulness.
On top of that, she’s gone beyond predictable. She’s already said everything she’s ever going to say — a hundred times — and she never had anything to say in the first place.
And anyway, Hillary is old, old news. Is there anything about her we don’t know yet? If she discovers a new mole on her arm at noon, we’ll hear about it tonight on the evening news.
Beating on Hillary is great fun, I admit. But conservatives should be careful not to be too rough on her too soon.
She’s the best (i.e., the weakest and worst) Democrat candidate Republicans could hope for in 2016. The last thing conservatives want is to see her knocked out of the race early and give another Democrat like Martin O’Malley of Maryland a chance to get in the race.
So let’s give Hillary some slack. Let’s try to keep her off the conservative airwaves for a while.
To make room for more news that matters, I challenge the radio talk shows and Fox News to go Hillary-free for a week.
I don’t care if Hillary is caught on camera burning her email server in her fireplace tomorrow, or if she is abducted and held for ransom by space aliens tonight.
Please spare us the details, conservative media — at least until next week.
I’m tired of running into people at the supermarket who ask me, “What do you think about Hillary?”
For a week I don’t want to think or talk about Hillary. I want to talk about baseball. About Peter Rose being hired by Fox as an analyst. About country music. Anything but Hillary.
Michael Reagan is the son of President Ronald Reagan, a political consultant, and the author of “The New Reagan Revolution” (St. Martin’s Press). Send comments to Follow @reaganworld on Twitter.