Hate won’t win
Published 10:49 am Wednesday, June 24, 2015
To those who think racism is antiquated, the shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C., last week should have been an eye-opener.
Dylann Storm Roof, 21, entered one of the oldest black churches in the South during a time of worship and Bible study, sat with those faithful for an hour, then opened fire, killing six women and three men, including the pastor.
The reason is as sickening as the crime itself — hate.
The young man had allegedly complained that “blacks were taking over the world” and that “someone needed to do something about it for the white race.”
But there is one important thing Roof should know. White, black, brown, yellow — we are all part of one race, one people, one global community. And we don’t need him doing anything for us.
People like Roof, people who are filled with such hate as to murder people because of their skin color, and in a sacred place no less, only seek to divide us.
But in what can only be described as a miracle of faith and love, this shooting has brought people together. Even those whose family members were killed forgave the young man responsible during his first court appearance. They asked him to repent of his sins and ask for God’s mercy.
While those family members mourn, as well as the entire church congregation, the city of Charleston and millions of other people around the country proclaimed hate will not win. People will join hands and God will lift up Emanuel AMC Church and all those who seek to stop violent, terrorist hate crimes such as these.
Say a prayer for each of the victims and pray that one day racism will be a notion long forgotten — The Rev. Clementa Pinckney, 41; Cynthia Hurd, 54; Tywanza Sanders, 26; Myra Thompson, 59; Ethel Lance, 70; Susie Jackson, 87; and the reverends DePayne Middleton Doctor, 49; Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, 45; and Daniel Simmons Sr., 74.