Students celebrate reading with week of special activities
Published 10:14 am Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Asher Maynard, a student at Chesapeake Elementary, throws a pie at his principal, Trisha Harris, on Friday, as part of the school’s Read Across America Week activities.
CHESAPEAKE — Read Across America Week concluded Friday at Chesapeake Elementary, as 267 students lined up for the chance to throw a cream pie at their principal, Trisha Harris.
Harris said each year, she challenges the students to read 15 minutes nightly and bring back a signed contract. Students are reminded nightly to keep up with their reading.
On Friday, those who completed the challenge got a chance to take aim at Harris, who sat in a kiddie pool wearing goggles in the school’s gym.
“One at a time, students stood in front of me and took their shot,” Harris said. “Many of them hit me in the neck and shoulders, but, every now and then, a student got me right in the face and everyone would cheer.”
After all of the students had taken their turn, they got a last minute surprise.
“We allowed the teacher of each grade level classroom that had the most participation a chance to smash an extra large pie right in my face,” Harris said. “Mr. Tucker, our assistant principal, announced the winner and the students went crazy with cheers.”
Mrs. Parsons won for kindergarten, Mrs. Gilcher for first grade, Mrs. McDowell for second grade, Mrs. Bellomy for third grade and Ms. Brooks for fourth grade.
“And they did not hold back!” Harris said. “Overall, it was a very exciting time for our staff and students, and I’m very proud of everyone who completed the challenge.”
The school had several activities scheduled for the week, kicking things off by decorating the building’s entranceway to look like Seussville.
A banner and Truffula Trees from “The Lorax” hung from the walls, and each day had a dress-up them based on Dr. Seuss’ works.
On Monday, faculty and students wore college apparel for the book “Oh The Places You’ll go!” On Tuesday, a hat day took place for “The Cat in the Hat.” Wednesday was “dress wacky” for “Wacky Wednesday” and Thursday was green-themed for “Green Eggs and Ham.”