King’s Daughters offers low cost blood profiles and vascular screenings
Published 1:50 pm Thursday, March 17, 2016
ASHLAND, Ky. — Nearly everyone is trying to live a healthier life by eating better, exercising, visiting their healthcare providers regularly and monitoring important health indicators. King’s Daughters is proud to help by offering low-cost blood profiles and vascular screenings in our communities on a regular basis.
March screening opportunities:
• Friday, March 18 — Ironton Family Care Center, 912 Park Ave.
– 7 to 11 a.m. – $25 blood profile. No appointment necessary, but fasting is required.
• Friday, March 25 — Walk-In Care – Russell, 399 Diederich Blvd.;
– 7 to 11 a.m. – $25 blood profile. No appointment necessary, but fasting is required.
– 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. — $80 vascular screening
Appointment required by calling 1-877-377-KDMC (5362).
Cash, checks and credit cards are accepted. Insurance cannot be billed.
Blood profile screening includes:
• Complete blood count (CBC) – used to help determine general health status and check for or to monitor conditions that may affect blood cells, such as anemia, infection, bleeding disorders or cancer.
• Comprehensive metabolic panel – provides information about the current status of metabolism, including the health of the kidneys and liver; electrolytes; blood glucose levels and blood proteins. Helps monitor known conditions such as hypertension and the effect of medications on kidneys and liver.
• Lipid profile – measures total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL-bad cholesterol) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL-good cholesterol)
• Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) – aids in the diagnosis of thyroid disorders
Results will be mailed to participants’ homes and will be available through KDMC’s MyChart (for patients of King’s Daughters providers).
The vascular screening includes:
• Carotid/abdominal ultrasound – can help detect a blockage, narrowing or weakness of arteries in the neck and abdomen, which could lead to problems such as stroke or abdominal, aortic aneurysms. This test is highly recommended for men who are current or former smokers.
• Ankle brachial index – blood pressure measurements taken at the ankles and arms and compared to determine whether there is decreased blood flow to the legs.
This test also can help detect peripheral artery disease or PAD. One in five Americans over age 65 suffers from PAD, but only about 20 percent get the recommended treatment, according to the American Heart Association.