Honoring freedom theme of special service

Published 10:47 am Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Remembering the sacrifice of others was the theme of the message presented by Lt. Col. Vance Huston at the patriotic Independence Day service on Sunday.

Huston was the guest speaker at the service sponsored by the Ironton Ministerial Association. This was the fourth event the newly revived organization has put on. The others were a memorial for Martin Luther King Day, Good Friday and National Day of Prayer.

Huston, a Marine veteran who flew 160 combat missions, is currently a Greenup, Kentucky, resident.

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“It is about what I’ve been given,” he told the audience. “It is what our freedom is all about. Freedom is not free but comes with an exceedingly high price.”

Huston cited those who died on the beaches of Normandy.

“Eleven thousand gave their lives and are buried on French soil,” he said.

Then he lauded five of his buddies who perished in Vietnam and whose names are on the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C.

“They gave their lives for me that I have freedom,” he said. “We don’t have to fear our government because this is the United States of America. We are so blessed to be in the United States of America.”