Ministers on right track

Published 10:26 am Thursday, July 7, 2016

As the many members of the military filled the pews of First Baptist Church, the sense of patriotism was tangible. When the Ohio University Southern Community Band played each theme song of every branch of the military, individuals rose to their feet as they were proud to publicly show they had served to defend their country.

That was the scene on July 3, when the Ironton Ministerial Association presented its fourth community event as it reaches out to the Ironton community.

For too long, the ministerial association was only run by a couple of devoted ministers. Now the association has shown it is in full bloom. And Sunday night’s service at First Baptist Church was proof of that.

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An almost packed church heard from the church’s Praise Team as well as the community band performing patriotic music. Then Lt. Col Vance Huston, a decorated Vietnam veteran, gave the message about how freedom isn’t free. He talked about the tens of thousands of soldiers who lost their lives on the beaches of Normandy and about five dear friends who were killed in Vietnam.

The response of the audience spoke volumes of how much Lawrence County appreciates the sacrifices of our military.

Also, it shows that the ministerial association is on the right track offering programs that meet the needs of the community. May its momentum continue to serve all of us.