Second half taxes due today

Published 10:07 am Friday, July 8, 2016

Deliquent taxes on mobile homes next target

Second half property tax collection is on target to match last year’s take.

As of Thursday, the county treasurer’s office had collected $8.35 million. That compares with 2015 second half of $12.5 million.

“There is one mortgage company to post,” Lawrence County Treasurer Stephen Burcham said.

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There is also $1.7 million from AEP that has also not been posted.

“We should come in fairly close,” Burcham said.

Last year total taxes brought in $32 million.

“We still have mail coming in,” the treasurer said.

Burcham also plans to team up with prosecuting attorney Brigham Anderson to crack down on back taxes owed on mobile homes.

“We are going to be collecting delinquent manufactured home taxes,” Burcham said. “In the past, previous prosecutors have not addressed the delinquency in manufactured home taxes. Mr. Anderson is willing to move forward.”

Right now, there is $1.4 million in delinquent mobile home taxes.

Those not paying their taxes would face having their home impounded.

In about a week, Burcham may start procedure on the four remaining Biomass parcels owned by Mark Harris. Right now, Harris owes more than $10,000 in taxes dating back to 2008. He also owes $5,110.33 on first half taxes for 2016 and $4,633.76 on second half due today.

“If they have not paid, I will request the prosecuting attorney to start foreclosure,” Burcham said.