Group to recognize churches

Published 9:14 am Thursday, July 21, 2016

Just as Ironton In Bloom honors monthly those who create colorful gardens in the city, the organization every August focuses on church landscapes.

“We have been doing this for several years,” Carol Allen, of IIB, said. “The churches have worked so hard since IIB was initiated to do their part in landscaping the community. Now you see beautiful shrubs and flowers blooming to enhance it.”

Anyone can nominate. It can be their church or just one they find attractive. A committee made up of members of IIB, Rock Hill Garden Club and Ironton Garden Club makes the selection.

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“They are individuals that have a knowledge of what good landscaping it,” Allen said. “How flowers are supposed to look. How shrubs are supposed to look.”

Nominations will be taken through Aug. 15 and can be made by contacting Allen at 740-550-5655 or emailing

“Or if they know any member, that member can take the nomination and send it onto the committee,” she said.