Liberal media sides with Clinton

Published 10:54 am Thursday, September 1, 2016

A CNN political commentator recently said it’s sexist to raise questions about Hillary Clinton’s health.

Apparently, issues like health, age, gender, religion and race are off limits unless those in the mainstream media are discussing their political opponents. This bias should come as no surprise, given an Indiana University’s School of Journalism’s report found Democratic journalists outnumber Republicans 4 to 1. Who knew?

We don’t need Indiana University’s report to know left-leaning newsroom bias is everywhere. All one needs to do is watch television or read the newspaper. In 2008, liberal media pundits didn’t say it was sexist to attack Sarah Palin. And it’s not racist when men like Ben Carson or Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas are disparaged. A column at, “Is Ben Carson Really an ‘Uncle Tom’” calls Carson a “dimwit,” a “f-king nincompoop,” and an “Uncle Tom.” Firebrandleft’s website says it was founded “by a group of journalists…and other writers.”

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Liberal media pundits believe that health and age is a matter of no practical value when it comes to Hillary, but made it an issue open for debate with John McCain.

A 2008 NBC News headline, “1 in 4 Chance McCain may not survive 2nd term,” warned readers: “America could see its first woman president, Sarah Palin” —- if the GOP presidential candidate, John McCain, died in office. “It’s actuarial math,” the article stated.

It’s not sexist to question if a person is well enough to be president. It’s patriotic. Ben Carson recently said elderly candidates running for president should disclose their complete medical history, especially their current.

We do know that a letter from Trump’s doctor says he’s never used alcohol or tobacco and is in excellent health. Requiring only a few hours of sleep per night, Trump had the energy to pull away from an already vigorous schedule to help flood victims in Baton Rouge the same weekend Hillary cleared her schedule for a period of rest.

It’s public knowledge that Hillary suffers from hypothyroidism. It’s also known she takes prescription blood thinners to prevent blood clots like the one doctors discovered when she suffered from a concussion after a fainting spell which prevented her from testifying about Benghazi in 2012.

Hillary’s husband told a group in Washington it “required six months of very serious work” to recover.

The liberal media are doing their best covering for Clinton rather than reporting facts and allowing voters to decide. New York Times columnist Farhad Manjoo sent out a tweet asking Google to censor stories and fix search results about Clinton’s health.

The pro-Hillary Washington Post said Hillary’s health record should come as “no surprise for someone who has spent decades in high-stress jobs and turns 69 in October.”

If Hillary’s high-stress jobs left her with fainting spells, hypothyroidism, blood clots, concussions and needing rest periods, it’s not sexist to ask if she’s healthy enough to take on one of the most high-stressed jobs on the planet.

And as a fellow female, it’s not at all sexist to wonder if Hillary would be better served serving out her remaining years enjoying her grandkids.

Hillary defended her health on the “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” show by changing the subject and opening a jar of pickles. A potential president’s health is no laughing matter, but with the media clowns on her side, obviously it doesn’t matter.

The news industry has sold out the American people to further their own progressive agenda using fake narratives, censoring real news and telling lies.

And it’s neither sexist or racist for conservative columnists like me to call them out although we’ll certainly have our characters assassinated in the process.Let the hate emails in my inbox begin…


Susan Stamper Brown lives in Alaska and writes about culture, politics and current events. Contact her by Facebook or at