Ladies 9-Hole League enjoys great day of golf

Published 11:53 pm Saturday, October 1, 2016

Jim Walker

PINE GROVE — What started as a nice day got even better.
The Ladies Nine Hole Golf Association of the Ironton Country Club met as usual event winners were Rose Auble, Georgia Willis, Margaret Donley, Pat Riggs and Pat Lambert.
The group then gathered for lunch and Pat Riggs announced winners for some of the Ironton Country Club’s other event winners.
The annual Classic Tournament winners were:
First Flight: Pat Lambert
Second Flight: Connie Chamberlain
Third Flight: Joyce Lewis
Winners of the other yearly tournaments were:
Ringer Tournament: Becky Dillow
Most Improved: Pat Lambert and Sharon Fox
Handicap Tournament: Sharon Fox winner, Becky Dillow runner-up
Birdy Tree: Margaret Donley
Par Tree: Becky Dillow
The yearly drawings for weekly winners were: Becky Dillow, Connie Chamberlain, Dora Carmen (three-time winners), Betty Fraley, Margaret Donley, Rose Auble, Georgia Willis, Pat Lambert, Pat Riggs and Joyce Lewis (two-time winner).
This Tuesday will be the final meeting of the season and members will bring guests for the annual Guest Golf and Luncheon Event at the Ironton Country Club.
The business meeting will be at 9:30 a.m. with golfing at 10.
Numerous events have been planned with Chamberlain serving as the morning hostess and providing breakfasts treats. Members are asked to bring a covered dish for lunch.
Former members are always welcome.
Also, the annual Christmas party will be held Tuesday, Dec. 13, at the Bellefonte Country Club.

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