Much to be thankful for

Published 12:02 am Thursday, November 24, 2016

In today’s society, we certainly live in a fast-paced world where we seemingly have to move at breakneck speed from one thing to another.

However, today is a day to take a break, slow down and just enjoy the time with our families celebrating Thanksgiving Day while reflecting on the many wonderful things we have to be thankful for.

So what are some things we have to be thankful for? There are several that include:

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• Lawrence County is a close-knit community where we sincerely care about each other.

• Wonderful natural resources like the Ohio River, Lake Vesuvius, Symmes Creek and Wayne National forest, just to name a few.

• A Tri-State that affords us the ability to have many of the same resources for shopping and entertainment without the big city stress.

• Law enforcement, emergency personnel and local leaders who truly believe in doing what ever they can to move our county forward.

• The bounty of civic organizations and volunteers who work tirelessly throughout each year to make Lawrence County a special place to live.

• We live in the greatest country in the world.

While everything isn’t always rosy or perfect, we undoubtedly have many things to be thankful for.