Local author’s works cover variety of topics

Published 1:39 am Sunday, January 29, 2017

Consigned Book continued its series of book signings by local authors on Saturday.
Jean Fuller Butler, who lives in Lawrence County near Hanging Rock, was on hand at the store to sign books.
Customers could choose from a selection of 19 books written by Butler, from a period spanning 30 years.
Topics ranged from poetry, to Biblical figures, to American first ladies, to royalty.
Butler, who is know for giving talks in character as historical and biblical women, wrote a few of the books, such as “Bible Women Tell It Like It Was,” in the first person.
She said, at the request of the store, she would be doing a talk later in the evening, as part of the event.
“I’m doing Rahab, who was in Jericho when the walls fell, and was rescued,” she said. “I just did her at the senior center.”
Consigned Books has more local author visits planned for the coming weeks, with Cat Shaffer and M.J. Wixsom set for Feb. 11, and Eliott Parker coming on Feb. 25. Both signings will take place from 2-5 p.m.

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