The future begins here

Published 11:33 am Thursday, March 16, 2017

Last week, representatives from the Project Lead the Way program at Collins Career Technical Center met with the administration of Symmes Valley high and middle schools to discuss the addition of STEM courses in the fall.

PLTW courses provide students a valuable opportunity to learn hands-on and to develop problem-solving and teamwork skills in the fields of science, technology, education and math.

With the new STEM+M Academy opening at The Point in the fall, Lawrence County students will have more chances for this type of education. And, thanks to PLTW’s satellite courses in eight schools, these opportunities will be offered in the students’ home districts as well.

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With manufacturing on the decline in the U.S. and regional economic staples like coal and steel fading, future generations will have to look elsewhere for job opportunities if they want to make a living at home.

Tomorrow’s job opportunities will most likely come from STEM fields, which are among the highest in demand.

By providing a state-of-the art education, STEM programs will prepare Lawrence County students for the changing job market and will ensure that future generations are able to find work and thrive in the county they call home.