Political endorsements
Published 8:04 am Wednesday, November 1, 2017
The Tribune likely will not make political endorsements in coming months and perhaps for a year.
That is because I am new to Ironton and the communities The Tribune serves, and I want to get acclimated.
Our news department will cover the contests on which we vote, and we always welcome responsible opinion in our letters to the editor. Please let us hear how you feel, what you have to say, as that is an excellent catalyst for community discussion. Dialogue is the goal.
To ensure fairness and accuracy in all material published in our newspapers, Ironton Publications Inc. has set the following guidelines for letters or opinion submissions:
• Letters must be 350 words or fewer.
• Letters may only have one author.
• Letters may not be submitted on someone else’s behalf.
• Letter writers must submit their name, address and phone number for confirmation. Only the city of residence and name will be published.
• Letters not submitted electronically must be hand-signed. Emailed letters must come from the email address of the writer.
• Letters may endorse a candidate, issue or person, but letter writers may not make personal attacks on other people, businesses, etc.
• All assertions made in letters built on opinions and any factual statements must be easily verifiable.
• All letters are subject to editing for length, clarity, spelling, grammar and AP style.
• Form letters will not be published.
• No more than two submissions by one author will be published each month.
Anyone wishing to submit news material or letters to the editor can email them to editor@irontontribune.com or drop them off at our office, located at 2903 S. Fifth St., Ironton, OH 45638.
Scott Schmeltzer is the publisher at The Tribune. To reach him, call 740-532-1441 ext. 16 or by email at scott.schmeltzer@irontontribune.com.