Ironton City Council to meet tonight

Published 12:28 pm Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Ironton City Council will have a series of meetings tonight.

At 5:30 p.m., the council’s finance committee will meet to discuss the amendment of the city’s operating budget, a contract between the city and the Ironton Police Department, a temporary operating budget and a salary resolution that fixes the salaries of some city employees.

At 6 p.m., the council will have a combined meeting with the Ironton Heath Department.

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Then, the council will debate the passage of the ordinances and resolution from the finance committee. The budgets will get first readings as emergency measures and could get second and third readings before being voted on.

The contract between the city and the police will get a second reading and possibly a third so it can be voted on. The ordinance was on the agenda of the last council meeting on Oct. 26, but only got a first reading because there were only four council members present. It was an emergency measure and there weren’t enough members present to suspend the rules for a second and third reading and then vote on the matter.

The salary resolution fixes the pay rates for certain city employees to be the same as in 2016. It is an emergency and could be passed after a second and third reading.

The Ironton City Council meets on the third floor of the City Center.