Now hiring
Published 9:03 am Wednesday, June 6, 2018
- Michelle Baker, with Goodwill Industries, greets attendees to the Ohio Means Jobs job fair Tuesday in Ironton.
Employers take part in job fair to find workers to fill positions
Jobseekers got a chance to meet with 18 employers at the Ohio Means Jobs One Stop Center for Lawrence County on Tuesday.
A job fair took place at the building, located on North Third Street in Ironton, featuring companies such as Dirt Busters, McSweeney’s and a few home health care providers, among others.
“The turnout has been great,” Pam Monceaux, workforce transitional career and case manager for the center, said. “There are lots of job opportunities and every company here today is hiring.”
The event, which was open to the general public at no cost, is one of two the center hosts during the year.
Monceaux said there would also be a career fair later this year, which would also focus on education opportunities for youth.
The dates for those events have yet to be announced, but Monceaux said those interested can keep an eye on the center’s website at
Altogether, she said about 1,500-2,000 people come through the center annually to seek employment.