Looking for 35 under 35

Published 8:54 am Tuesday, July 10, 2018

We will be producing a 35 under 35 special section soon.

I have heard people say that Lawrence County is just an “old folks” area, and it makes me mad.

We have many people under the age of 35 who live, do business and thrive right here in our area. These younger citizens have chosen the Tri-State area to raise their families and support our area businesses because it is a great region. We have lakes, parks and people who are kind.

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Speaking of people, I also want to say we have a lot of amazing “old folks,” too. Our boundless array of mixed generations is what I think makes our villages and towns so much fun. We have generations of hard-working families that are rich in history and love.

It is so nice to see the different generations sharing ideas and wisdom with each other.

Learning and combining ideas together is enjoyable. It is what makes America so grand. So the next time you hear someone say that Lawrence County is just an “old folks” area, correct them and tell them we are so much more.

Do you know someone who is living and working in Lawrence County that we should highlight in our section? If you send me the name, age, address, and contact information, you may see them included in our first ever edition.

Please just send to me at scott.schmeltzer@irontontribune.com.

Thanks for listening.


Scott Schmeltzer is the publisher at The Tribune. To reach him, call 740-532-1441 ext. 16 or by email at scott.schmeltzer@irontontribune.com.