Share photos with us

Published 11:04 am Saturday, September 15, 2018

We are looking for people who want to do the following:

• Win prizes.

• Highlight your kids in sports.

Email newsletter signup

• Take photos.

How will we use the photos you may be asking?

Once you upload the photos into our Cutest Little Football Fan and/or Football selfie contests at or just by going to our website at we will use them in several ways.

The first way is by choosing a weekly winner of the two contests. The winners will receive gift cards to various businesses. The second way is by running the winners in our newspaper and online every week, thus highlighting the kids.

The third is that, occasionally, we will use them as the Focus Page photos into our weekend edition.

Our goal is simple. We want to highlight the area youth in sports. It is very hard to get to so many of the different sports and age groups of all the awesome kids in our area.

Everyone seems to be taking photos at sporting events, and even fun selfies of themselves at the sporting events. We just want to highlight the best ones and give prizes for sharing them with us.

Feel free to share sports other than football into these contests as well.

Thank you for sharing.