Organizers ready for Senior Day
Published 4:49 pm Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Organizers of the Senior Day at the Lawrence County Fairgrounds have more than 90 vendors lined up for their event, which will take place on May 14.
Darlene Green, director of the Chesapeake-Sybene Senior Center, was present at Tuesday’s meeting of the Lawrence County Commission, where she was asking commissioners and officials present to spread the word about the event, which is free to the public.
“We’re letting our seniors in the county know about this event,” she said.
Green said there would be food, entertainment and door prizes, as well as a petting zoo setup, a cakewalk and manicures and haircuts offered by students from Collins Career Technical Center.
This will be the sixth year for the event and Commission president Freddie Hayes Jr. said he has seen it grow each year.
“I want to congratulate you guys,” he said. “The first year, we had 100 people. Last year, we had 1,500. We’re hoping for 2,000 this year. It’s just a great day and it’s one of my favorite days of the year.”
“It’s a great opportunity for our senior population,” commissioner DeAnna Holliday said.
Green said she sees the event as a “one stop” for seniors, allowing them to sample vendors offering products from elderly care to health that they may not know about.
The commission also heard from Jamie Chaffin, of ABBE Education, located in Proctorville, which offers medical training classes.
Chaffin said they are planning on opening another facility in Chesapeake by June 1.
She said they recently added classes have conditional approval from the board of nursing for a practical nursing program.
In other business, the commission:
• Voted to hire Adam Myers as assistant dog warden for the county. As Myers is currently custodian at the Lawrence County Courthouse, Hayes said he anticipates there will be job postings for positions coming soon.
• Announced a meeting to discuss progress on water service for Fayette and Windsor townships for 7 p.m. Thursday at NECCO.
• Heard from Holliday, who said a delegation from the county, including herself, Lawrence County Common Pleas judges Andy Ballard and Christen Finley, Lawrence County Municipal Judge Donald Capper, will be traveling to Columbus for a pre-trial event in which they will discuss alternatives to incarceration. Holliday said Ballard will be a keynote speaker at the event.
• Heard from Hayes, who said there was a positive response at last week’s meeting of trustees from across the county on the issue of public clean ups.
“It’s definitely a full-time job, but we’re going to stay with it,” he said.
• Wished a happy 25th wedding anniversary to Lawrence County Auditor Jason Stephens and his wife, Juli, who serves as field representative for U.S. Rep. Bill Johnson.
• Heard from Copley, who urged drivers to be more vigilant this week while county schools are on spring break and urged parents to take advantage of the time to get involved and active with their children.