South Point to receive $800K for sidewalks: Mayor: Largest grant for village in more than 30 years
Published 12:40 pm Thursday, June 6, 2019
SOUTH POINT — South Point residents learned at Tuesday’s meeting of council that a major project to put in sidewalks is planned, thanks to a grant Mayor Jeff Gaskin said is the largest to come to the village in more than 30 years.
South Point has been approved for $800,000 from the KYOVA Interstate Planning Commission, Gaskin said, which will allow the installation of sidewalks in several high traffic areas in the village.
“We’re going to start at the elementary school, then go to Speedway,” Gaskin said. “Then we’ll go up and down Solida Road on both sides of the street.”
He said he and the village had been working on the grant for about a year and that the funds should become available in about two years.
“But it’s ours,” he said of the money, adding that this will allow them time to plan for the project. “The money will be there when we are ready for construction.”
“There’s more to sidewalks than just pouring concrete,” he said, stating that engineering, water lines and mailboxes are among the things that will have to be taken into consideration. “It’s a big, huge undertaking.”
Gaskin said the grant was very competitive and that it brings the total in grant funds for the village this year to $860,000.
“We received $10,000 from the Ohio EPA for asset management and $50,000 for the backup generator for the sewer plant.”
He said South Point will also be taking part in a low-to-moderate income survey for a portion of the village, which would open them up for more grant funds for projects.
He said the sidewalk project is something residents in the village have wanted for some time.
“It’s been talked about forever,” he said.
In other business, the council:
• Tabled the disturbance of the peace ordinance, which was discussed at May’s meeting of council
• Moved personnel in the police department. Gaskin said this creates an officer position, as well as a vacancy and there will be two hires for officers.