On Deck
Published 11:50 pm Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Shawnee St. to host
softball prospects camp
PORTSMOUTH — The softball program at Shawnee State University will be hosting a SSU Prospect Camp from 1-4 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 6, at Portsmouth High School for ages 13-18.
Camp fee is $60 and prospects will go through several stations of workouts that will be set up through the day.
Campers who attend will receive a t-shirt.
For more information, contact Shawnee State head softball coach Steve Whittaker at (740) 351-3691 or email Whittaker at swhittaker@shawnee.edu.
Fairland starts signups for fall basketball league
Registration is underway for the Fairland girls Basketball Fall League.
The league is open to any girls in the Tri-State from grades 1-6 .
The league will run for six weeks beginning the week of Labor Day.
The focus of the league is on individual improvement, so players sign up as individuals, not teams.
For more information or a registration form, contact Jon Buchanan by phone at: 3046343294
By email: buc22@aol.com
On Facebook: Fairland Youth Girls Basketball Fall League.
OVC announces lower
ticket prices this season
During the spring meeting, the Ohio Valley Conference voted to lower ticket prices by one dollar to $5 for the 2019-20 school year.
Pre-sale student and senior citizens (age 62 and up) will be available during school hours in advance of the game for $3. All tickets at the game will be $5.
Cincinnati Reds’ tickets
The Cincinnati Reds’ ticket hours are: non-game days Monday-Friday 9-5 p.m. Saturday 10-4 p.m. (not open October-February); Game Days 9 a.m. until end of the 7th inning.
Go online at cincinnatireds.com and click “tickets.”
Special ticket sales and special events and giveaways can also be found on the Reds’ team website. as well as information in becoming members of the Reds Hall of Fame and Museum.