Fostering local talent

Published 8:15 am Thursday, December 19, 2019

Last Friday, dance students from around the Tri-State got a unique opportunity to work with professionals from a major touring production.

The Moscow Ballet performed “The Great Russian Nutcracker” at the Paramount Arts Center and, as part of their “Dance With Us” program, dozens of children and teens from the area got to play supporting parts in the show.

The show has been visiting the region since 2001, working with the Ashland Regional Dance Theater, and sells out nearly every time.

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Then, on Saturday and Sunday, the Yvonne DeKay School of Dance hosted their annual Christmas show at Ironton High School, drawing a packed house as well as dancers, ranging from toddlers to 18 years of age, performed.

The school, owned and operated by Yvonne Sinnott for more than 50 years, has seen multiple generations of the same families pass through its doors and is an Ironton institution.

Our region is blessed with many talented youth and we thank both Maria Whaley in Ashland and Sinnott in Ironton for all that that they do in helping these children and teens to develop their skills and present them to an audience.