Wrapping up the year at Guardian Animal Clinic
Published 4:12 am Saturday, December 28, 2019
Yappy Howl-I-daze!
December 2019,
Wow! Guardian Animal is finishing another record year! We work harder and harder to keep your pets healthy and happy. Of course, there will be emergencies and days, but we are striving to make it work.
Our first two chemo patients are doing well. Our chemo hood allows us to do advanced chemotherapy. (It took a lot of research and work to get it up and running and meet the new USP 800 rules to allow for staff and patient safety!) Our first two patients, Rusty and Max, are doing amazingly well.
New technology is helping in many other ways also. Our new AI read ECG’s allow for affordable immediate ECG’s. Blood pressure monitoring can be done in the exam room. Thermal imaging allows for muscles to be imaged quicker and cheaper than x-rays.
Our major trip this year was a series of small trips. The team went to Columbus, Dallas, Washington D.C., and Orlando. Erika, Lindsay, Rusty, BJ, Kristen, M’Kinzy and I learned state of the art medicine and techniques at the MidAmerica, American Veterinary Medical Association, PSI Service, and advanced dentistry wet lab.
Rusty and I spent two days learning advanced dentistry techniques. Painful, diseased teeth shorten a pet’s live. By being more proactive with treatment and repairing or removing teeth, pets will be happier and live longer.
At the start of the new year, we will be looking at ways to improve our online pharmacy.
While we realize it is more convenient to order with home delivery, all items are not equal. There have been problems with counterfeit food and other items.
Home delivery is available for our Vet Boxes (think: heartworm, flea, tick, dental and toy packaged and delivered to you) and Hills-to-home. One of the problems with online delivery is more items are becoming special order. If you routinely order online, we cannot have items on the shelf. A solution for both problems would be home delivery for local clients. Let us know if this would interest you.
Looking for a last minute gift or have some holiday cash? Think about our Fair Trade items. These are purchased so the people making the craft items get a fair price for their efforts. Some of these came directly from Uganda this year. Helping people fight poverty helps wild animals because people are less likely to damage wild areas to survive.
2020 will bring ‘sNot Pup 3 and maybe four books. These will be in addition to the two books of short stories, an adult coloring book, GA coloring book tour and a journal. (And a writing group anthology.
Also, Lindsay published a book of poetry this year.) I am still enjoying writing an article for the Greenup Beacon and the weekend Ironton Tribune and now the Greenup News Magazine.
Our park is a big hit with the dogs and owners. It opened to our clients Aug. 4 (Coast Guard Day) and is available by reservation to our clients in the evenings and some weekends.
During the day, we use it for our Day Care Plus program. Call for reservations.
The Guardian animal 5K and Paw Walk is a recurring thing now. This was part of our 25th anniversary celebration that we intend to continue.
I update Facebook daily. There are lots of tips and some just for fun things. Visit our new website, www.GuardianAnimal.com for general information for GAMC. (Be careful what you believe on the Internet.) Look for more info on twitter @wemakelivzbettr
This will be our 11th year in Flatwoods. Anyone need to buy the old clinic building? I can make you a great deal!
We continue to take in hawks, owls and other wildlife for rehabilitation. I have been working with a red-tailed hawk (Jim) to train him in falconry techniques.
I have been out several times to trap a falconry bird. (80 percent die in the first year, so working with a falconer actually increases their chance of survival.) We have released barred owls, kestrels, bats, red tailed hawks, song birds and others this year.
Remember, we get no money from the state or feds, but do this as a community service.
Whiskey, Tango and Ryker added a new brother of another color. Taz is a silver lab to add to the red, yellow and black labs. Let’s just say my house is lively! At least, Crash is well behaved. The cats demonstrate chaos theory almost daily.
M’Kinzy is at Wooster College. Life travels fast. Matt is not working anymore. (I will be working for another 20 years!) So, for my life lesson to you, I would advise that you do take time to dance while you can. With all the negative things in life, I have worked hard to remember the good things. I sincerely appreciate all the clients who choose to drive further to continue to come to us. I appreciate your support and your referrals!
Join us and support the World Wildlife Fund, Bat Conservation International, KIVA and the American Veterinary Medical Foundation.
Meowy Christmoose and Yappy Howlidays!
MJ Wixsom, DVM MS
M’Kinzy and Matt
Stephanie, Brian, Erika, Lindsay, Rusty, Katie, Kristen, Sammi, BJ, Alison, Austin, Brynn, Heidi, Brandon, Josh
Nugget, Sam, Vixen, Albert, and one lonely kitten and two rabbits who need names and homes!
Whiskey, Tango, Ryker, Taz, Jarvis, Parker, Tigre, Crash, Tequila, turtles, Noodle, Frogs, geckos, fish and stick insects.
MJ Wixsom, DVM MS is a best-selling Amazon author who practices at Guardian Animal Medical Center in Flatwoods, Ky. GuardianAnimal.com 606-928-6566