Works are a valued donation

Published 8:13 am Thursday, January 9, 2020

On Friday, the City of Ashland hosted a dedication and illumination ceremony for three new statues on its riverfront.

The three works, “Venus of Ashland,” “Genesis” and “Vulcan of Ashland,” were the result of a donation from an anonymous individual who is a native of the city.

The towering works of art, two of which are the largest bronze sculptures of classical myth figures in the world were created as a free commission by Ginés Serrán-Pagán, a native of Spain, who works in New York City.

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He was inspired to create the pieces, following a visit to the city, in which he met with the donor and Mayor Steve Gilmore. He said each work highlights an aspect that makes the city unique.

The donor paid for all materials, transportation and installation of the works, as well as set aside funds for their maintenance.

The pieces are quite striking and we encourage all to visit the riverfront, take in the art and appreciate the craft involved.

They will be a draw for many visitors to the Tri-State. There simply is not art on this scale anywhere in this region and Ashland now has something that rivals that which is found in a major metropolis.

They will inspire countless generations to come and Ashland received a true treasure through this native’s generosity.