Fire safety first

Published 7:33 am Saturday, January 11, 2020

No matter the time of the year, fire safety should always be on people’s minds.

Whether the cause is electrical or an open flame, fire is dangerous to not only people but pets and property.

There are some simple tips like always staying in the kitchen while cooking and not having heating sources too near walls and making sure lit candles are not near things that can catch on fire like curtains or fabric decorative items.

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Others include not using extension cords that are frayed and to not overload electric sockets.

Some safe heating tips include making sure the proper type of fuel is used in a kerosene heater and never leave a heater on when you are not in the room. Always combustible materials like blankets and clothing at least three feet away from any heat sources.

One of the simplest safety measures is to make sure that homes have a working smoke detector with new batteries installed.

Every home should have a fire evacuation plan in case of emergency. Identify at least two ways to get out and review safety steps like checking closed doors for heat before opening, using your emergency alert device if you have one, and crawling on the floor below the smoke.

More information about fire prevention and safety can be found on the State Fire Marshal’s website at