Primary Election 2020 Candidate Questionnaires – Coroner
Published 12:35 pm Monday, April 20, 2020
Ben Mack, MD
• Office sought: Coroner
• Party: Republican
• Age: 36
• Residence: Rome Township
• Professional Background: Doctor of Medicine, Bachelors of Science from Wright State University. Certified volunteer firefighter and EMT-Basic.
• Occupation: Emergency Physician at St. Mary’s Medical Center
• Political experience: Coroner since March 2018. Ohio State Coroner Board of Directors, since September 2018.
• Civic involvement: Medical director LCEMS, 911, Collins Career Center EMS programs, and fire departments, captain and volunteer firefighter, Rome Volunteer Fire Department. Elder at Missio Dei Church. Faculty advisor and member, Christian Medical & Dental Association.
• What will your top priority be if elected to office? To continue to improve the efficiency and capabilities of the coroner’s office and continue to work with local law enforcement and investigators to find truth, bring justice, and promote prevention.
• What makes you the best candidate for the job? I am a physician first and foremost, not a politician. I serve with integrity, honesty and compassion for the hurting.
• What professional accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? Hearing feedback about how the care provided by the emergency teams I lead has impacted or saved lives, mission work in Haiti and overseeing identifying the “Belle in the Well”.
• What would you do to increase bipartisanship and cooperation in our government? I will continue to keep politics out of the coroner’s office, where it has no role in the pursuit of truth and justice.
• Other comments (30 words or less): My background in civil service with multiple emergency response agencies, connection with other coroners at the regional and state level will continue to bring improvements, grant funds and efficiency to our county.