Wayne National Forest seeks public comment on water line project
Published 4:54 am Thursday, December 24, 2020
PEDRO — Tim Slone, Ironton District Ranger for the Wayne National Forest, is inviting public input during a 30-day scoping and comment period on an Environmental Assessment (EA) of the Vesuvius Water Line Project.
The EA was prepared to analyze the potential effects of replacing the water line that feeds the ranger district’s Lake Vesuvius Recreation Area. The existing corridor will be used for the new water line, except for a new stretch that services the beach facilities. The total length of the new water line would be about 5.5 miles. The current water line will be left in place. To accomplish this work, a 50-foot corridor will be needed, requiring clearance of about 30 acres of trees.
“This water line replacement project will allow us to reopen our ranger district’s facilities to full capacity,” said Slone. “We look forward to welcoming the public back to enjoy the Lake Vesuvius Recreation Area at its full capability once this project is complete.”
The project is located entirely on the Ironton Ranger District of the Wayne National Forest in Lawrence County.
Slone said the project is needed because the current water line has experienced several breaks and leaks since its construction in 1996, including five since May 2019 which has led to costly repairs and closures of recreational facilities at the Lake Vesuvius Recreation Area. Its beach, long-term campsites, and restroom facilities are currently closed due to the latest break in the water line.
More detailed information can be found at https://go.usa.gov/xAg8s and in print form upon request. Comments may be submitted by email to comments-eastern-wayne-ironton@fs.fed.us), by fax to 740-534-0620, or by mail to Benjamin Poling at the Wayne National Forest, Vesuvius Water Line Project, 6518 SR 93, Pedro, OH 45659. Please include your name, address, phone number, and signature.
Comments should directly relate the proposed action to a resource impact and must be submitted within 30 calendar days of the official notice of the comment period. This notice was published on Sunday, Dec. 20, 2020, in the legal notices section of The Ironton Tribune.
The day following publication is considered day one. If day 30 falls on a weekend or federal holiday, the next federal business day marks the end of the comment period.