We get the leaders we deserve when we don’t vote

Published 5:28 am Saturday, November 6, 2021

To quote Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, “Bad politicians are elected by people who don’t vote!”
It is true, everyone serving in office anywhere in the United States only reflect the values of the Americans who voted in the last election.
Ouch and Amen!
Proverbs 29:2 tells us, “When the righteous rule, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people mourn.”
By the time I came of age, abortion on demand was already legal and the Bible was legally being escorted out of the classroom.
In fact, in the last 50 years, human life has become disposable, marriage is being radically redefined and devalued, human origins are taught in public schools with no allowance for a Creator.
As far back as I can remember God has been fought in our society, the courthouse, the classroom and in every arena of public life.
It occurs to me that I really haven’t experienced the America that I’ve read about in history books.
For example, did you know that George Washington in his farewell address warned, “Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion.
“Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds…reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”
Remember the wisdom of Proverbs in these words? “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”
President Washington was warning our nation that in removing religious principles we would lose our morals nationally. And it seems we have.
Many do not know that the United States capitol regularly served as a church building; a practice that began even before Congress officially moved into the building and lasted until well after the Civil War?
It was not until the end of 1800 that Congress actually moved into the building.
According to the congressional records for late November of 1800, Congress spent the first few weeks organizing the Capitol rooms, committees, locations, etc.
Then, on Dec. 4, 1800, Congress approved the use of the Capitol building as a church building.
The approval of the Capitol for church was given by both the House and the Senate, with House approval being given by speaker of the House, Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg, “A pastor by the way” and Senate approval being given by the president of the Senate, Thomas Jefferson.
From Jefferson through Abraham Lincoln, many presidents attended church at the Capitol and it was common practice for members of Congress to attend those services.
It was Elias Boudinot, president of Congress, a framer of the Bill of Rights in the First Congress, who said “We can only depend on the all-powerful influence of the Spirit of God, whose Divine aid and assistance it becomes us as a Christian people most devoutly to implore.
“Therefore, I move that some minister of the Gospel be requested to attend this Congress every morning during the sessions in order to open the meeting with prayer.”
Washington, a signer of the Constitution and the first U. S. president, said, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness. (emphasis added). ”
Lastly, Rev. John Witherspoon, signer of the Declaration of Independence said that “Whatsoever State among us shall continue to make piety [respect for God] and virtue the standard of public honor will enjoy the greatest inward peace, the greatest national happiness, and in every outward conflict will discover the greatest constitutional strength.”
Listen to this quote from Benjamin Rush,a signer of the Declaration and a member of the presidential administrations of Adams, Jefferson and Madison, regarding the educational policies in public schools, declared “Such is my veneration for every religion that reveals the attributes of the Deity, or a future state of rewards and punishments, that I had rather see the opinions of Confucius or Mohamed inculcated upon our youth than see them grow up wholly devoid of a system of religious principles.
But the religion I mean to recommend in this place is that of the New Testament… its doctrines and precepts are calculated to promote the happiness of society and the safety and well-being of civil government.”
Why even the Bible of all things has a few things to say about nations and their religious influences…. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” —Psalms 33:12.
I believe that the election results around the nation, especially in Virginia, this week reflect the hearts and minds of an educated, motivated and engaged citizenry.
Often as I speak around this great state, I constantly hear Christians say “I never knew about our Godly heritage, but now that I know I and those I influence will never forget!”
Those who will follow in our footsteps are counting on us… elections do matter!

Tim Throckmorton is the national director of Family Resource Council’s Community Impact Teams.

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