Letter to the editor: Tissue donors are heroes who have impacted lives

Published 5:54 am Monday, April 11, 2022

I’m the proud father of five very active and energetic children.

On any given day, my wife and I are juggling multiple schedules and driving someone somewhere for some type of activity.

But even though our lives are busy, I try to take a moment each day to pause in gratitude for the health of my family.

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This became incredibly important last year when my daughter had spinal fusion surgery to treat scoliosis. If you’re not familiar with this surgery, the process involves using bone grafts and, in her case, those grafts came from a generous tissue donor.

After the surgery, her chronic pain disappeared, her mobility level increased and she stood two inches taller. She is my constant reminder that the power of donation changes lives.

April is Donate Life Month — a chance to honor those donor heroes who gave the gifts of life and healing to others.

It’s also a time to celebrate with the many grateful transplant recipients who’ve been given a second chance at life, or in my daughter’s case, the hope of a pain-free, healthy future.

One donor can save up to eight lives and provide healing for more than 75. What an incredible impact! If you haven’t already registered to be a donor, I encourage you to go to www.lifelineofohio.org to learn more.

And I hope you’ll take a moment to pause in gratitude today for donation heroes and those whose lives they’ve touched through their gifts. I know I will.


Andrew Mullins
CEO – Lifeline of Ohio