Sports Writers Southeast Ohio All-District Basketball Teams Local Selections
Published 9:23 pm Saturday, March 4, 2023
2022-23 Southeast Ohio All-District Basketball Teams
Area Selections
Division 2 Boys
First Team
Player, School Pts Reb. Ast Stl Ht. Gr.
Braden Schreck, Ironton 17.8 5.1 2.8 1.0 6-02 So.
Division 2 Boys
Second Team
Player, School Pts Reb. Ast Stl Ht. Gr.
Shaun Terry, Ironton 15.9 3.8 3.5 1.9 5-10 So.
Division 2 Boys
Specal Mention
Player, School Pts Reb. Ast Stl Ht. Gr.
Ethan White,Ironton 9.3 7.8 1.0 1.8 6-01 Sr.
Division3 Boys
First Team
Player, School Pts Reb. Ast Stl Ht. Gr.
Caleb Lovely, South Point 22.4 5.3 2.1 1.3 6-03 Jr.
Second Team
Jordan Ermalocih, So. Point 8.4 3.4 5.3 1.1 6-00 Sr.
J.D. Thacker, Fairland 10.6 5.1 1.5 1.0 6-04 Sr.
Dannie Maynard, Chesapeake 16.9 3.3 3.6 1.6 5-04 Jr.
Blake Porter, Rock Hill 16.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 5-09 Jr.
Owen Johnson, Coal Grove 18.5 6-01 So.
Third Team
Chase Allen, Fairland 15.0 2.3 2.8 1.5 5-10 Jr.
Special Mention
Xander Dornon, South Point 6.0 6.3 2.0 1.0 6-04 Sr.
Xathan Haney, South Point 7.8 4.0 1. 0.5 6-03 Sr.
Will Davis, Fairland 10.2 4.8 2.1 2.0 6-2 Jr.
Brody Buchanan, Fairland 11.9 3.6 2.1 1.2 5-09 So.
Noah Doddridge, Rock Hill 13.7 6.7 2.1 1.3 6-04 Sr.
Brayden Adams, Rock Hill 10.0 2.7 3.5 1.2 5-10 Sr.
Isaiah Dillon, Coal Grove 10.0 6-01 Sr.
Co-Players of the Year: Caleb Lovely, South Point; Myles Montgomery, Minford
Coaches of the Year: Travis Wise, South Point; Josh Shoemaker, Minford
Division 4 Boys
First Team
Player, School Ppg Reb. Ast Stl Ht. Gr.
Levi Sampson, Green 22.4 11.5 1.3 2.4 6-04 Sr.
Second Team
Player, School Ppg Reb. Ast Stl Ht. Gr.
Erikai Jackson, St. Joseph 14.0 5.0 2.0 5-10 Sr.
Ethan Smith, Symmes Valley 15.0 8.0 3.0 4.0 6-01 So.
Abe McBee, Green 12.9 4.5 3.0 5-10 Jr.
Special Mention
Kai Coleman, St. Joseph 7.0 2.4 7.5 6-00 Jr.
Gabe McBee, Green 9.2 6.0 2.2 3.0 6-02 Sr.
Players of the Year: Levi Sampson, Green; Tariq Cottrill, Federal Hocking
Coach of the Year: Quinten Williams, Leesburg Fairfield
Division 2 Girls
First Team
Player, School Ppg Reb. Ast Stl Ht. Gr.
Tomi Hinkle, Fairland 12.0 4.8 4.2 3.2 5-06 Sr.
Bree Allen, Fairland 14.3 6.8 2.8 5-11 Jr.
Second Team
Kylee Bruce, Fairland 8.0 5.7 5-11 Jr.
Special Mention
Bailey Russell, Fairland 13.1 5-08 Fr.
Addison Godby, Fairland 8.4 6.2 6-00 Fr. Division 3 Girls
First Team
Player, School Ppg Reb. Ast Stl Ht. Gr.
Hazley Matthews, Rock Hill 17.6 5-08 Sr.
Second Team
Hadyn Bailey, Rock Hill 12.1 5-05 Sr.
Sophi Hutchinson, Cheapeake 18.7 3.9 2.4 5.5 5-06 Fr.
Kate Ball, Chesapeake 10.6 5.0 2.0 2.6 5-05 So.
Third Team
Camille Hall, South Point 12.0 8.0 3.0 5-08 Jr.
Evan Williams, Ironton 12.0 50 4.5 2.3 5-05 Sr.
Kesey Fraley, Coal Grove 11.2 4. 1.5 1.8 5-08 Sr.
Special Mention
Isabel Morgan, Ironton 11.8 1.5 1.0 5-06 Sr.
Hope Easterling, Rock Hill 6.0 6.8 5-11 Jr.
Alivia Noel, Coal Grove 8.0 7.0 1.8 2.2 5-06 Jr.
Saratina Jackson, South Point 10.0 4.0 5-07 So.
Abbey Isaacs, Chsapeake 5.0 4.5 5-06 Fr.
Player of the Year: Tomi Hinkle, Fairland
Tri-Coaches of the Year: Jon Buchanan, Fairland; Jeff Miller, Unioto; J.D. Walters, Sheridan
Division 4
Second Team
Player, School Ppg Reb. Ast Stl Ht. Gr.
Desiree Simpson, Symmes Valley 10.0 10.0 5-09 Jr.
Third Team
Gracie Damron, St. Joseph 11.0 10.0 6-00 Sr.
Special Mention
Jordan Ellison, Symmes Valley 6.0 8.0 7.0 5-06 Jr.
Anna Knapp, Green 10.0 5-09 Sr.
Katelinn Satterfield, Green 5-03 Sr.
Player of the Year: Annie Dettwiler, Portsmouth Notre Dame
Coach of the Year: Jerry Close, Waterford