SNYS event sees good turnout

Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 10, 2023

Commission meeting limited to regular business

FAYETTE TOWNSHIP — The Special Needs Youth Sportsmen annual spring fishing event saw a strong turnout on June 3, Lawrence County Commissioner Mike Finley said.

Finley, who serves on the SPYS board, gave a summary of the day during commissioner’s reports at the end of this week’s meeting of the commission on Tuesday.

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Finley said 124 came to the event, which he said was “one short of our all-time record.”

Commissioner DeAnna Holliday, who attended the event, also said it had “a great turnout.”

Finley said all who participated caught fish, which were then cooked for lunch at the event.

“If you had a pole in the water,” you caught a fish,” he said.

The rest of the meeting was devoted to the typical weekly agenda items for the commission, in which they:

• Approved the minutes of the meeting held on May 30, as corrected.

• Approved floodplain permits submitted by the Soil and Water Conservation District:

– New: 2023-776 Timothy D. Martin, stream maintenance, installation of concrete barriers and conduit in a creek projects located at 52 Private Drive 7184 County Road 15

2023-780 Harold W, Moore, camper in a floodplain project located at 156 Township Road 176.


2023-775 Union Township, grading, culvert and paving projects located on Township Road R.O.W.

2023-777 Dallas Tibbs, filling and grading and four post shelter by the pool projects located at 9063 State Route 378.

2023-778 Frank L. Legge, filling and grading project located south of Township Road 1306.

2023-779 Fayette Twp. Trustees, grading culvert, paving and ditch maintenance projects located on Township Road R.O.W. 

2023-781 Kirby Milem, filling, grading and bridge/culvert projects located at 6339 County Road 1.

2023-782 Steven W. Baker, filling and grading project located at 23306 State Route 141.

2023-783 Steven W. Baker, residential manufactured home project located at 23306 State Route 141.

2023-784 James Boggs, filling and grading and stream maintenance projects located at 11366 State Route 217.

• Approved appropriations and transfers dated June 6, under $50,000, submitted by Dylan Bentley, citing county administrator.

• Approved the resolution to adopt an Anti-Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan, submitted by Michelle Throckmorton, community development director.

• Approved the Residential Anti-Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan, submitted by Michelle Throckmorton, community development director.

• Approved and signed the Environmental Review Certification form for General Administration, Fair Housing and Planning, submitted by Michelle Throckmorton, community development director.

• Approved and signed the resolution authorizing the submission of the Lawrence County fiscal year 2023 Community Development Block Grant Allocation Program Grant, submitted by Michelle Throckmorton, community development director.

• Received and filed the Lawrence County Engineer’s Annual Report, submitted by Patrick Leighty, county engineer.

• Received and filed the Public Health Community Health Needs Assessment for 2023, submitted by Debbie Fisher, health department administrator.

• approved and signed the 2022-DL-LEF-5813 Subgrant award agreement on the amounts of OCJS funds 75 percent $71,711.17, cash match 25 percent $23,903.72, project total $95,614.89, requested by David Marcum, of the Lawrence County Prosecutor’s Office. 

• Met in executive session with Dr. Bill Dingus and Bentley regarding real estate.