EDITORIAL: Taking advantage of a big opportunity

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Last year, the state’s Appalachian counties were glad to hear the news when Gov. Mike DeWine announced that he will be setting aside federal American Rescue Plan Act funds for investment in the state’s Appalachian counties.

The money brought with it potential for much-needed development in a part of the state which often gets overlooked.

This week, when speaking with South Point Mayor Jeff Gaskin, he said leaders of communities in Lawrence County have been courting these funds.

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The design of the program calls for communities to work together on projects. As Gaskin said, the one thing that unites many municipalities in our region is the Ohio River, thus local leaders have been working to develop riverfront projects in a joint push for funding.

South Point, for example, is working to redevelop its boat dock to accommodate larger river traffic.

Competition for these funds will likely be strong, so it is good to know that our county has already seen officials applying for this money and have received part of the first phase of funding for planning.

An opportunity exists for Lawrence County and we are glad to know it is not being squandered and the work is being put in to maximize the benefit the county receives.