EDITORIAL: Patience pays off for city

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The need for better roads has been a longstanding one for the City of Ironton and we have all griped about the bumpy commutes over the past few years.

The public has not been quiet on the matter, so there was a lot of pressure on those in charge to act.

But the question was a matter of when.

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As motorists and readers may have noticed this year, relief is in sight and, in some places, already here.

Phase I of the city’s paving projects have been completed and Mayor Sam Cramblit II has announced that the first of

Phase II’s projects began last month, with the rest expected to start by year’s end.

This includes the Batham Lane stormwater project, one of the biggest infrastructure projects in the city’s history.

As these projects roll out, it is worth noting that the scope of the work is far greater than what was initially considered.

By holding out for matching funds, the city was able to get the most for its money.

Originally, the projects would have covered 40 blocks, but now will reach past 200.

While there have been many complaints over the past few years, officials were wise to wait and strategize, as now the city will see even greater solutions to the problem.