Short meeting for commissioners
Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 28, 2024
Several agenda items passed, one tabled
It was a short meeting of the Lawrence County Commissioners on Tuesday with the meeting last under 10 minutes.
Most of the items on the agenda were approved.
One motion, a memorandum of understanding between the Consortium of County Law Library Resources Board and Board of Lawrence County Commissioners on behalf of the Lawrence County Law Library Board, was tabled for another meeting.
Only commissioners Mike Finley and Colton Copley were in attendance.
Finley generally abstains from voting on issues related to the courts since his daughter is Common Pleas Judge Christen Finley.
Since only two commissioners present and all motions must have at least two yes votes to pass, the commissioners tabled the measure.
In other items on the agenda, the commissioners took the following actions:
• Approved the following floodplain permits submitted by the Soil and Water Conservation District,
New: Chad Johnson-Stream maintenance project located at 17440 State Route 775.
Renewals: E. Kent Sias-Stream maintenance project located at 818 County Road 30, Hecla Water Association-Materials storage project located on Ralph Road, Danny Holschuh-Filling and grading and Topsoil removal projects located on County Road 107 and County Road 775, Real Alternative Properties-Filling and grading project located on County Road 403 (Irene Road), Elizabeth Township Trustees-Grading, culverts, paving, and maintenance projects located on Township Road R.O.W., Roger A. Adkins-Stream maintenance project located at 531 Township Road 191, Harry Hysell-Filling and grading and Stream maintenance projects located at 1605 County Road 31, and Gary Stapleton (Morrison Storage GWS Storage, LLC) Filling and grading project located on Township Road 1421 and Private Drive 56
• Approved the following appropriations and transfers dated April 23, 2023, under $50,000, submitted by Dylan Bentley, Acting Administrator.
• To receive and file the correspondence from Charles Parise, project coordinator for Helicopter Minit-Men, Inc., regarding herbicide applications for brush and weed control easement number 32.
• Received and file the DJFS Social Services Statistical Data Report for March 2024, submitted by Missy Evans, Assistant Director/Social Services Administrator.
• Approved and signed the Marine Patrol Assistance Grant Program for $5,679.83, submitted by Scott Wilson, Sheriff’s Department.
• Approved the right-of-way easement from Lawrence County to Buckeye Rural Electric Co-Op, approved by the Lawrence County Prosecutor.
• Approved and signed the resolution authorizing participation in the ODOT Salt Program in 2024, requested by Patrick Leighty, county engineer.
• Approved and updated the title change for Corey Watson to director, Support Services after going into executive session.
The commissioners meet at 11 a.m. on Tuesdays in chambers on the third floor of the Lawrence County Courthouse.