Ironton In Bloom kicks off city-wide planting

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, May 22, 2024

By Joseph DiCristofaro
The Ironton Tribune

Efforts to further beautify Ironton were in full swing Monday and will continue into the week with Ironton In Bloom beginning its annual city-wide planting for the 2024 season.
“Monday the flower boxes are planted, then Thursday the pole planters and hanging baskets go up on Park Avenue,” said Carol Allen of Ironton In Bloom.
City-wide planting day kicked off at 8 a.m. Monday morning and saw many volunteers come out to support the nonprofit’s efforts.
“We’ve had people come volunteer from the Municipal Court, from Bethesda, several from Peoples Bank and others coming on their own,” Allen said. “We’re getting more support from businesses than we have in the past who are sending volunteers.”
Since the start of the city-wide planting in 2007 the beautification efforts have expanded from only downtown in the early years, to in 2024 expanding out to several hotels and two local restaurants.
Despite 17 years of changes and growth, the goal has stayed the same: “To create a green living space for the people of Ironton to enjoy,” Allen said.
Ironton In Bloom receives support from the community in many ways that help its planting efforts continue into the growing season.
“With the support of many businesses, volunteers and money from donations, we pay for the flowers and to have them watered and fertilized throughout the growing season, which will last until September,” Allen said.
The organization plants several different types of flowers and other plants such as lantanas, petunias and many more. Eleven total plants go into filling just one of the large flowerpots that are placed around the area.

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