Flatwoods boy lands role in Chillicothe’s ‘Tecumseh!’
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, July 9, 2024
- Noah Fisher of Flatwoods landed a role in the long-running production of “Tecumseh!” in Chillicothe. The Russell Middle School student signed with a talent agency and has since performed in two movies—including one starring Ben Stiller. (The Ironton Tribune | Terry L. Hapney, Jr.)
By Terry L. Hapney, Jr.
The Ironton Tribune
Twelve-year-old Noah Fisher of Flatwoods is a singer and paid actor who has performed in a variety of venues throughout the Tri-State region—not to mention working in a movie starring the Emmy-award-winning Ben Stiller.
The Russell Middle School student’s latest professional work is in “Tecumseh!”—a mainstay of more than half-a-century in Chillicothe.
Noah, whose singing and acting career will see the two-year mark this coming September, wishes theater was offered as an option in his school’s curriculum.
“Sadly, there isn’t a theater class at our school,” he said. “That would be an obvious pick if I could.”
While archery is a favorite activity for Noah, he wants to perform as an actor and vocalist for the rest of his life. To date, he has performed in one play, 16 musicals and two movies—in addition to “Tecumseh!” and a Stryker medical commercial.
Noah’s passion for acting started with a church program. Every year from second to fifth grades his cousins participated in “King’s Kids.”
“I never really bothered with it,” he said. “Then, I’m in fifth grade and I said, you know what—final year I can do it, may as well.”
Once he landed his first-ever real lead role, Noah said he “felt so placed.”
Getting to work with Ben Stiller on the movie “Nutcrackers” in December 2023-January 2024 is what keeps Noah pursuing his dream.
“I got to say I worked with a grade-A celebrity,” he said. “I work with a lot of people who have worked in ‘Tecumseh.’ I feel those two things keep me going.”
Ben Stiller, Noah said, is “serious but funny.”
“Quite fun to be around,” he said. “He’s as nice as an actor can get.”
Recently, Noah signed on with a talent agency, which helped him land the roles in the two movies.
“I’m really loving it,” he said. “I’ve gotten to do two amazing things.”
Elizabeth Fisher, his grandmother, said it is “amazing watching his face light up.”
“Of everything he has gotten, I enjoy watching the friendships developed through all of this,” she said.
Noah says theater people are the “funnest and nicest people” to be around.
“If I could surround myself with one type of person it would probably be theater kids,” he said.
Noah is represented by Heyman Talent Agency, with locations in Louisville, Cincinnati, Columbus and Indiana.
“They find jobs, set you up an account,” he said. “It’s a ton of fun.”
One thing Noah has learned is not to give up on his dream. Elizabeth said one of the hardest things to do is to watch Noah when a project concludes. This is his extended family for weeks and months; they then say goodbye and exchange contact information.
“People don’t realize the extended family he has,” Elizabeth said. “I still can’t wrap my head around that he’s a professionally paid actor at 12.”
Noah is quick to learn his lines, his grandmother said.
“For his local theaters, I’ve had some of them tell me, ‘He’s off script,’” Elizabeth said. “He got his script today and he’s already off script.”
In “Tecumseh!,” 50 children auditioned for eight spots, according to Elizabeth. Noah said the other kids in the production are “a blast to be around.”
“They are the nicest people,” he said. “This has helped me build at least a solid 20 friendships—especially with staff. I love ‘Tecumseh!’.”
Noah encourages those who have an interest in acting and auditioning for “Tecumseh!”.
“I assure you if you have talent and can do that—even if it’s shooting a fake gun or being able to remember your blocking or lines or sailing a canoe—almost everybody has a place in this and that’s what I love,” he said.
Noah’s work in “Tecumseh!” started in June and runs until September 1. His remaining performances are July 6, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27; August 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 30, 31 and September 1.
Up next, Noah, who just landed a role in an insurance commercial in Columbus, is planning to head back to Garden Theatre in Louisa to audition for “Annie.”
“The sun’ll come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow,” Noah sang in true “Annie” fashion.
“He’s going to audition for ‘Annie’ as Annie,” Elizabeth said.
Noah would even don the signature red wig.
“He already has freckles,” Elizabeth said with a laugh.
Noah’s top three goals in life are to go to Broadway, open a theater in the local area and meet his favorite actor—Alex Brightman.
“He taught me how to use my gravelly throat,” Noah said in a gravelly persona as only an actor can.